Sylvain Delange (法國 France)

Symposium speaker Sylvain photo
Sylvain Delange
Believe Digital亞太區銷售總監
Sylvain Delange為Believe Digital的亞太區銷售總監。Believe Digital為全球音樂人及廠牌提供完全獨立及全面的數位發行服務,協助他們在數位音樂市場發揮最大的價值及影響力。自2013年加入Believe Digital後,Sylvain Delange致力領導公司佔取亞洲市場的領先地位。他建立的分銷網絡涵蓋地區的所有音樂平台,以及在獨立音樂圈內建立了強大的足跡。他領導的團隊包括超過20位熱愛音樂的廠牌經理和頻道經理,分佈在澳洲、中國、印度、印度尼西亞、馬來西亞、菲律賓、新加坡、台灣、泰國和越南。
憑藉在亞洲音樂產業超過十年的經驗,Sylvain Delange對亞洲音樂市場和數位音樂發展有著豐富知識。在Believe Digital工作之前,他曾任法國音樂出口辦公室主管,花了五年時間促進法國音樂產業在日本的發展。其後他搬回法國,在當地繼續建立歐洲與亞洲音樂人及廠牌之間的橋樑。
Sylvain Delange
Head of Sales Asia Pacific for Believe Digital 
Sylvain Delange is Head of Sales Asia Pacific for Believe Digital, the leading fully independent digital distributor and services provider for artists & labels
worldwide. Believe empowers artists and labels to maximize the value of their music in the transitioning digital music space by providing them with a full suite of services. Since joining Believe in 2013, Sylvain has been leading the company into attaining market-leading positions in key Asian markets. He has built the company's distribution network with all music platforms in the region, as well as developed a strong footprint within the independent music community. Sylvain heads a team of over 20 music loving Label Managers and Channel Managers in Australia, China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam. 
With a career spanning over a decade in the music industry in Asia, Sylvain has an extensive knowledge of the Asian music and digital landscape. Before working at Believe Digital, Sylvain spent five years contributing towards the growth of the French music industry in Japan as Head of the French Music Export Office, before moving back to France where he continued to build bridges between Europe and Asia in artist management.