曰城 一場媒體 肢體 聲音 裝置 展演

HumanMachine-TheCityof0 1 key visual Page 3

÷  日期:2021年11月6至7日(星期六至日)

÷  場地:元創方智方 PMQ QUBE

÷  時間

1400 – 1600 展覽

1600 – 1800 展覽及互動演出

1800 – 1900 總結演出

²  主要創作: 梁基爵 x 黃俊達 x 羅頴綸 x 馮穎琳

²  共同創作: 龐百勤, 陳嘉運, 周晉光, 葉曦汶, 陳卓欣, 陸尉俊等

²  作曲/樂手: 梁基爵, 農尚青, 羅穎綸

÷  免費活動

*備註:11月5日(星期五)18:00 - 19:30 係公開綵排,開放予公眾參觀。

主辦:Machine & Art NOW    製作:文藝復興基金會



一個看似虛構的城市,充滿似曾相識的情節:城市以身體建造結構,裝置刻劃輪廓,聲音化作語言,好像機器不斷重複運作,直到完結。 經過三個階段的講座、工作坊及技術實驗,梁基爵、黃俊達、羅穎綸及馮穎琳帶領學員,與創作伙伴一同實踐獨有的演出模式:由多個裝置作品組成的展覽,像一個跳蚤市場也像一個城市,裝置涵蓋戲劇、肢體、機械、 聲音、影像、電子程式等,大銀幕播放的畫面令看似互不相干的單位產生關係;演員同時穿梭裝置中進行互動表演,讓觀眾感受科技為媒體/表演藝術帶來的新感官體驗。




Ø 由多個小攤檔組成市場展覽展覽由不同裝置組成,形式有電子裝置、聲音、影像等。以身體運作的協調與自主為基調,籌劃出一系列獨立又互為影響的攤位,攤位內和攤位之間都以無形行動觸發有形改變。因此,攤位內容會分別探討不同的議題,就如身體不同的部位可以獨立運作;有部分攤位更會利用不同感官(身體)探索,更立體感受和體驗議題。



Ø 展覽的裝置開始運作和觀眾互動,並且將不同場景投放到銀幕,以不同的組合播放攤檔的畫面,令看似互不相干的攤檔,在銀幕上互相產生關係。再加以戲劇、肢體舞動配合,令觀眾欣賞銀幕之餘,也可加入表演。



Ø 將部分攤位的元素延伸,再加入新的元素,包括形體動作、舞台裝置、聲音,整合為一場完整的演出。由形體演員,將人群視線帶到主舞台範圍,回應每個攤位細節、數據、反應,建構大型Machine,像是機械城的中心。



City of 0


Media x Body x Sound x Device x Performance

A seemingly fictional city with story plots we all know: its structure built by bodies, its outline carved by devices, and its sound turning into language — just like a machine running non-stop until its demise.

After lectures, workshops and technical experiments in three stages, GayBird, Ata Wong, Vanissa Law and Fung Wing-lam, aided by their fellow creators, lead project participants in forging a performance uniquely its own: a multifaceted exhibition, with installations covering drama, movements, devices, sound, image, computer programmes and more, resembles a flea market as well as a city; separate units, once streamed on a mega-sized screen, meld into an organic whole. Plus interactive performances by actors the experience ignites your senses in ways unimagined before!

● Date: 6-7/11 (Sat – Sun)

● Venue: PMQ QUBE

● Rundown: 

1400 – 1600 Exhibition

1600 – 1800 Exhibition x Interactive Performance 

1800 – 1900 Finale Performance

● Free Activity 

*Remark: November 5 (Friday) 18:00-19:30 is an open rehearsal, open to the public.


Main Creators: GayBird, Ata Wong, Vanessia Law and Cat Fung

Composers and musicians: GayBird, hirsk and Vanissa Law

Production Manager: Joyi Tsang
Lighting Designer: Allen Fung
Assistant Lighting Designer and Programmer: Rachel Ip
Special Lighting Effect Programmer: Jimmy Chan
Video Designer: Lui Hin Chung
Set Designer: Keung Cheuk Chung
Sound Designer: Hong @ Miso
Costume Designer: Cheung Siu Mei
Technical Designer: Fung Wing Lam
Stage Manager: Jeff Lai
Deputy Stage Manager: Yannus Li
Video Programmer and operator: Tai Nga Chun
Sound Engineer and operator: Gary @ Miso
Audio Assistant: Sam @ Miso
Assistant Stage Manager: Little Kwong / Luk Pak Yin / Kenny Lee
Costume Team: Cally Tang / CK @ZEP
Set and Technical Production: ONEvent Productions Limited
Audio Production: Miso Tech Co Ltd.


PRODUCED BY Renaissance Foundation



攤位介紹 Booth Introduction


Screenshot 2021-11-05 at 4.25.24 PM




共同創作:陳卓欣 Joyce Chan Cheuk Yan

Mood of the living

It is a machine that understands the mood of participants by scanning their palms. Participants place their palms on the scanner and press the button to start scanning.  The machine will immediately print out the participant's mood at the time, tell his or her fortune, and provide guidance on the life direction of the participant based on the scan results.



共同創作:張子晴 Candy Cheung Tsz Ching


This booth is a plain wooden wall with more than a dozen small loudspeakers hidden behind. Participants put their ears against the wall and they will hear the wall whispers softly.  As machines taking over our lives more and more, the direct interaction between humans has diminished. And whispering, which used to be an ordinary way of interpersonal communication, has become increasingly rare. Now the wall is whispering softly to humans.



共同創作:周雋曦 Thomas Chow Chun Hei

Are you dancing?

Participants will see a device similar to a dancing machine game when they come to the booth. When the participant starts a game, the screen will show images of a dancing game.  But in fact, what the participants see on the screen has nothing to do with their movements on the dancing mat.  The dancing machine game is controlled by people in the control room. It looks as if the participant’s actions trigger a reaction, but it is essentially controlled by other people.



Human Control Room

The control room of other booths are not visible directly by the participants.  The actors and actresses in the control room and those wondering around the exhibition hall will hint the location of each booth and the method of accessing them.  The participants can come to the outside of the Human control room after receiving the  instructions and see the local operation of the booth through the peepholes.



共同創作:陸尉俊 Chun Luk Wai Chun

Phone Booth

There is only one phone on the booth. The phone will ring when a participant approaches.  If the participant answers the phone, the actor in the human control room will be talking to the participant.



共同創作:慧珊 Teresa Tsui Wai Shan

This booth presents a piece of lawn with 4 wired earphones grow on it. The earphones will play the recordings recorded in the nature of Hong Kong in a loop.



共同創作:葉曦汶 Crystal Yip Hei Man

 “Round” is inspired by the panopticon prison which is a type of institutional building and a system of control designed in 18th century. The circular design allows prisoners to be watched by each other. This is pretty much the same as our daily life. We can barely get rid of what people think of us. 
Audiences can activate the semi-circular installation with movements. Electronic music and visual images then response to your moves. This reflects that people provide mirror in which to see yourself more clearly. But what matters most is how you see yourself.


10.CantoCAPTCHA」「驗證碼零貳肆叄」:CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart),又稱驗證碼。拆解光學字元識別(OCR)的特性,設置多重辨識,包括:人體電阻值、「我不是機械人」驗證圖像和粵語協音辨識。204720596081,不是公歷年份;2·3434·236·7878·69沒有數理上的關係;正如,30624700也不是電話號碼。一連串的數字要如何解讀呢?不妨聽一下、看一下、讀一下,憑直覺感知,或許能證明自己是人。

共同創作:陳嘉運 Josh Chan Ka Wan


CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart), also known as verification code. This booth disassembles the features of Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and set up multiple recognition measures including: human body resistance value, "I am not a robot" verification image and Cantonese coordinated sound recognition.

 2047, 2059, and 6081 are not Gregorian calendar years; 2·3434·23 and 6·7878·69 are not mathematically related; just as, 30624700 is not a phone number either. How to interpret a series of numbers?  You might as well listen, watch, and read. Intuition may prove that you are a human being.



共同創作:龐百勤 Chet Pong Pak Kan

Authenticity and Manipulation

It is a performance booth of sound and video in which the interactive electronic device takes the appearance of a doll. This work reflects on the controversy of the broadcasting of teletubbies in different countries. Therefore, their appearances are chosen to present the idea of authenticity and manipulation.  The audience will use the electronic device to manipulate and participate in the sound and video created by me while the screen in the device will reflect their virtual influence. But the authenticity (or not) are up for the audience to interpret.


12.「地府龐克」Death Punk:地府龐克以地府作為主題,融入機械化的觀念。觀眾將會體驗一個科技化的地獄,並接受地獄人工智能的審判。藉著融合傳統文化與科技,為觀眾帶來一個創新的陰曹地府。

共同創作:周晉光 Felix Chau Chun Kwong 

Death Punk

It takes the underworld as its theme and incorporates the concept of mechanization.  The audience will experience a technological hell and face the trial of the hell artificial intelligence.  Through the integration of traditional culture and technology, it presents an innovative underworld to the audience.




  • 請佩戴自備口罩(包括拍照期間)。
  • 須保持適當的社交距離,避免多過四人羣組聚集,亦須盡量保持至少1.5米距離。
  • 須利用手機掃描「安心出行」二維碼,或登記姓名、聯絡電話及到訪日期和時間。
  • 須接受體溫測量,有發燒或出現呼吸道感染徵狀的人士,不得進入。
  • 以先到先得方式進入,主辦方將按實時情況暫停參觀者進入,以控制人流。請遵從工作人員的現場指示。



To safeguard public health and safety, the following arrangements and precautionary measures are implemented:

  • Participants are requested to bring and wear a mask throughout their visit (including the photo-taking period) to protect themselves and others.
  • Participants are advised to keep distance during their stay and group gathering of more than four people is prohibited. They are also advised to keep a distance of at least 1.5 metres as far as feasible between himself/herself and any other person during visit.
  • Participants are required to scan the “LeaveHomeSafe” QR code or register their names, contact number and the date and time of the visit before entering the sites for necessary contract tracing if a confirmed case is found.
  • Participants are required to have their body temperature checked at the entrance. Persons with fever or respiratory symptoms are not allowed to enter into the sites.
  • Admission will be on a first come, first served basis, and the temporary crowd control measures will be arranged when there are large number of participants. Participants are urged to follow the instructions of the staff on site.





資產 1


助流公益 x 文藝復興女流節 2021



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這個夏天,「助流公益 x 文藝復興女流節 2021」舉辦十餘場藝文活動,13位香港女創作人用影像捕捉人生流變,用音樂再現思緒漂流,更用日常對抗時代虛無。女流節透過電影放映、導演映後談、音樂演出,以及藝術展覽,致敬流行文化中的女性視角與自覺,探索創作與日常的連結,繼而倡議以文藝勞動實現女性賦權。




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普羅小眾:文藝復興生活節 2017

