周華欣 Linda Chow Wah Yan

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周華欣 Linda Chow Wah Yan

一把聲音,和一支結他,讓周華欣成為了一個唱作人。中學時期開始寫歌,曲風極端,有時寫得像詩,有時是生活上的小牢騷。曾參與街頭音樂,並在不同文化活動演出,同時亦為微電影及推廣影片製作主題曲和背景音樂。2015 年獲選 Streetvoice 香港大團誕生第一季,一年後發表了首隻 demo EP《飄到哪裡》。

Linda is an individual singer-songwriter with only her voice and a guitar. She has started her song-writing in secondary school. Her music style is extreme, in which some are poetic and some are lively. She has actively participated in street performance two years ago, followed by stage performances in different cultural events. She has produced promotional videos and theme songs for a micro film. In 2015, she has been selected in “The Next Big Thing” organised by Streetvoice HK. In May 2016, she has released her first demo EP.




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