Mike Park (美國 United States)

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Mike Park
Asian Man Records創辦人

美藉韓裔音樂人Mike Park曾參與樂隊Skankin' Pickle、The Chinkees及The Bruce Lee Band,近期以個人名義發表原音作品。1996年離開Skankin' Pickle樂隊後,他在父母與朋友的幫助下,於美國加洲家中的車房建立獨立廠牌Asian Man Records,旗下樂隊主要以玩ska 及punk為主。Mike Park支持任何「反對種族歧視、反對性別歧視、反對偏見」的樂隊。他透過Asian Man Records發表個人作品,也積極提拔後起之秀,包括Less Than Jake、Alkaline Trio以及The Lawrence Arms。他於1999年創立Plea for Peace Foundation,組織以透過音樂宣揚和平為宗旨,這亦是他一直以來希望透過創作以及他所支持的樂隊達成的目標。Mike Park是1998年春天Ska Against Racism巡迴演出的始作俑者,該次巡演以宣揚反種族歧視為主題,並為多個反種族歧視的組織,包括Museum of Tolerance籌款,參與樂隊包括The Toasters、Less Than Jake、the Blue Meanies、Mustard Plug、Five Iron Frenzy、MU330、Kemuri以及Mike Park本人。


Mike Park
Founder and owner of Asian Man Records

Mike Park is a Korean American musician and progressive activist. His musical ventures include Skankin' Pickle for whom he both played the saxophone and sang, The Chinkees, The Bruce Lee Band, and most recently an acoustic solo project under his own name. After his time with Skankin' Pickle he went on to found Asian Man Records, a label which he has run out of his garage in California since 1996 with only help from his parents and friends. Asian Man Records supports mostly ska and punk bands. Park will support any band as long as it is "anti-racist, anti-sexist, and anti-prejudice". Park has used Asian Man Records to release his own music, in addition to providing a start for smaller bands to allow them to grow, including Less Than Jake, Alkaline Trio, and The Lawrence Arms. In 1999 he formed the Plea for Peace Foundation an organization whose aim is "to promote the ideas of peace through the power of music", something which Park has been trying to do with his own bands and with the help of other groups. Park was the impetus behind the Spring 1998 "Ska Against Racism" tour. The goal of the tour was to promote awareness about racism and raise money for anti-racism organisations such as the Museum of Tolerance. The national tour included The Toasters, Less Than Jake, the Blue Meanies, Mustard Plug, Five Iron Frenzy, MU330, Kemuri, and Mike Park himself.