Vision & Mission

Founded in 2012 and based in Hong Kong, the Renaissance Foundation, a non-profit charitable organization, is dedicated to nurturing upcoming generations of young creative talent. It sponsors independent creation and incubates new networks of cultural industries, establishing a professional platform to facilitate entry into international markets. The Foundation links up creative pioneers in the international arena with the like-minded communities in Hong Kong, Macau,Taiwan and Mainland China. It imparts creative experiences with innovative visions and attitudes that improve lives and expand horizons in cultural and creative industry.

The Foundation has been a long-term advocate for the development of independent music, film, creative writing and multi-disciplinary arts.To date, grants have been obtained from the Home Affairs Bureau of the Hong Kong SAR Government, Create Hong Kong of the Commerce and Economic Development Bureau, Lee Hysan Foundation as well as various private donors.

Our goal: Promoting Cultural Diversity Through New Waves Of Young Creatives


[Our website is getting a facelift and will be ready soon. Stay tuned and we look forward to meeting our community online again!]